Friday 4 May 2007

21 April : Falling in love again

I woke up with a big hangover after the previous night... And I had to meet a new friend : Adrian, a friend of my friend Fred from Brussels. It's a sort of blind date. It's funny, but I wasn't in a good and fresh mind enough to really enjoy the funny of the situation.

Suddenly, I realize he's too cute! No!!! It's my good star :) A cute man again, just one day after... and this time, he seems not to be gay! We stay only a few hours together but I really enjoy his company : he's sweet, funny and interesting! Shame on me to be so fucked but I spend a good moment with him even if I feel it's maybe a little bit dangerous for my heart to meet somebody like him because he's "perfect" but he seems to be a very independant man who likes women in general but not only one. I can imagine he has his big success with girls!

So, I ask him if he has a relationship, he says No. Why? And he answers he loves his freedom!!! Fuck... that's exactly what I was thinking! My heart isn't ready yet to go with that king of perfect-but too independant- guy!

I've to say the truth : he makes me very shy. We went to Hampstead Heath (a very huge park). I really don't know how he feels me... he's adorable, but it's not only for me... I guess he's a real seducer! If something happens between us, I'll be maybe just one of all his "one night stand"... Maybe he's a serial fucker!? who knows...? (nobody Mel, even you! Stop imagination!)

Tomorrow, he runs the Marathon and after, he has to go to Argentina during 2 weeks...

To be continued (I hope) ...