Saturday 19 January 2008

Mercredi 16 May. Pierre. Julien. Ally

Today I met Pierre, a friend of Cedric. He just arrived in London. He is in London for a few month. We spend time together talking about London... It's funny now because I can speak about London. I realise I'm actually living here.

After this, I do some shopping and I went to Waterloo Station just when Julien Bonny arrived. He is in London for 4 days. Julien is a friend I know via Constance. Julien and I we have a strange relationship. With up and down... I hope to spend good time with him because we chat on MSN a lot these last days and he made me laugh.

We went out with Ally, his English friend who works at Ciao. The one I had the interview with. It's a strange situation... but it's OK. Ally is a great English guy. Simple and friendly. We go out in his area : Brixton, we spend time in a restaurant to a friend of him and after in a bar and after, Julien and I we slept in his place. Ally is cute and sweet. He's living in an amazing old house. Beautiful, with a lot of wood. A house with an history, a lot of books and old furniture... and maybe a real soul.

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